The Magical Cat Ghee
Status Ongoing

The Magical Cat Ghee

Synopsis The Magical Cat Ghee

In Durhein, known as the “Country of Beauty,” magicians governed under the peaceful rule of King Al-Aktha. One day, a strange light fell from the heavens, turning all the magicians into cats. From then on, magic was oppressed, yet no one knows why such a terrible thing has happened.Once known as the “Magician of the East,” the greatest magician in the country, a cat named Ghee is the only former magician who retains both human consciousness and the ability to use magic. Ghee and his companions set out on a long, tireless journey to bring back a world filled with hope...

Alternative Majineko no Ghee,Mahou Neko no Ghee,Majineko no Gii,魔法猫のギー
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