Read 사내 스토킹을 금지합니다 / Dilarang menguntit di rumah / No Snooping, Please / Office Stalking Is Prohibited / 社内ストーキングを禁止します / 사내 스토킹을 금지합니다 Tracking in our company is strictly prohibited. SA Company CEO Park Si-an, he’s 188cm tall, looks like a celebrity! Estimated wealth: billion won! 3rd generation real tycoon! He’s been suffering from cruel stalking lately! The likely culprit is Ye Da-min, an employee of the support team of the same company. With her big, rabbit-like eyes, seemingly at the bottom of the food chain, is she really the stalker of Xi’an? Their relationship is full of doubts, misunderstandings and flaws! The secret stalker hunt begins

Status Ongoing
In-house stalking is prohibited
Synopsis In-house stalking is prohibited
사내 스토킹을 금지합니다 / Dilarang menguntit di rumah / No Snooping, Please / Office Stalking Is Prohibited / 社内ストーキングを禁止します / 사내 스토킹을 금지합니다
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Office workers
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