There are holy swords which can break hundred armors, and there are scholars who can cross the river with a reed. There are still Buddhists who travel over the Western Regions with a desire to transform the world but then blocked by a Taoist from the past. No one seems to be able move mountains or fill the sea. The authority of a reign cannot be shaken by a single individual’s hand. The country’s rivers and lakes are now invaded by the foreign forces, causing endless sufferings to the families within. Yet during that period of turmoil, a hero was born.

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I'm The Godfather In Another World
Synopsis I'm The Godfather In Another World
Wo Zai Yi Jie Dang Jiao Fu ; I'm The Godfather In Another World ; I’m A Godfather In Another World ; Wǒ Zài Yì Jiè Dāng Jiào Fù ; 我在异界当教父
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