Xia Yu Xiang was born in a family devoted to raising butlers and was trained from a young age to dedicate his life to protecting his master. Finally, Xia Yu Xiang is presented with an opportunity to make use of his skills when he is recruited by the Zong Zheng family to be a butler. Zong Zheng Tong is a young, petite, genius girl with cold, distant blue eyes, and a stern, rigid personality. How will Xia Yu Xiang react to his new master?Xia Yuxiang est né dans une famille où sont formés des majordomes de génération en génération. Ayant fini sa formation et arrivé à l'âge de 21 ans, il doit se rendre dans ma demeure de son nouveau maître, Tong Zongzheng, une génie, aux yeux bleus froids et au sale caractère...

Status Ongoing
For You, I Will Follow Obediently
Synopsis For You, I Will Follow Obediently
The Only Reward I Want is Your Love; 对你唯命是从
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School life
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Slice of life
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