Based on the novel of the same name by Orson Scott Card, in which the hopes of mankind rest on the shoulders of genius children trained to combat the impending alien threat, Shuho Sato's one-shot focuses on the story of young Ender Wiggin. From the time he was three years old, has been monitored by the military to determine whether he has what it takes to enter Battle School, a specialized school in outer space where the brightest children are trained in the intricacies of war and command. Considered to be humanity's savior, Ender struggles with the pressures of the expectations placed on him, and with his own internal struggle between his conflicting empathic and destructive capacities as a tool of war.
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Ender No Game
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エンダーのゲーム ; Ender's Game
Shuho Sato
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One shot
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