."It's wet here. This isn't just the pool water, is it?" Getting passionately caressed while hugged by the thick arms of a swimmer, I'm melting...!

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Did My Biceps Turn You On?
Synopsis Did My Biceps Turn You On?
Ore no Jouwannitoukin, Ecchi namede Mitetadesho? ; Có phải cơ bắp của tôi đã kích thích em? ; Did My Biceps Turn You on? ; Ore no Jouwan Nitokin, Etchi na Me de Miteta Desho? ; Ore no Jouwannitoukin, Ecchi na Me de Miteta Desho? ; Ore no Jouwannitoukin, H namede Mitetadesho? ; Oreno Jyowannitoukin, H Namede Mitetadesho? ; 俺の上腕二頭筋、エッチな目で見てたでしょ? ; 내 상완이두근을 음란한 눈으로 봤겠다?
Takayama Koba
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