After falling into the gap between worlds, I gained “the ability to identify something’s status” for the cost of a single limitation. However, other than this skill I was completely ordinary. All I could do after landing in a strange world, was see through the status of things and use that information for my own growth.One day, after being assaulted by enemies, a lone figure appeared and saved my life. What’s more, that person had an incredible “secret”.

Status Ongoing
Beauty, Sage And The Devil's Sword
Synopsis Beauty, Sage And The Devil's Sword
Beauty, Sage and the Devil's Sword ; Красотка, мудрец и меч дьявола ; 美女と賢者と魔人の剣 ; 美女与贤者与魔人之剑 ; 美女與賢者與魔人之劍
Kenta Katayusa Mothica
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